In 2006, I created a critically acclaimed installation, Mariposa Machismo that was exhibited throughout the nation, including at Central Booking Art Space in New York. The butterflies are rendered on MDF board that has been rubbed with copper powder, and silkscreened using sand for a textural effect. Some butterflies are blank, while others have quotes from scientists and the media. In 2019, I repurposed the installation and entitled it, Walled Off: Wildlife on the South Texas Border, to be displayed at the National Butterfly Center in Mission, Texas. It also was on display throughout 2021-2022 at the Valley International Airport in Harlingen, Texas. My intent with this project is to bring attention to the South Texas ecosystem and the impact of the border wall. An animation also titled Walled Off accompanies the exhibit. Initial funding for the animation was generously provided by the Luminaria Artist Foundation.